Sync data with Census

Census synchronizes customer insights from your cloud data warehouse to all the SaaS tools your team utilizes, including Salesforce, HubSpot,, Slack, and Zendesk.

With Python Actions, Y42 enables programmatic triggering of Census syncs via its API.

Create Sync in Census

Syncs establish connections between your Data Warehouse sources and Destination Services. For detailed information, refer to the Census documentation (opens in a new tab).

Create a new sync or use an existing one. Choose as source for the Sync, one of the tables published by Y42 in your data warehouse.

Sync between BigQuery table and Google Sheets.

Sync between BigQuery table and Google Sheets.

Trigger Sync via its API

You can trigger each sync programmatically through its API. The sync configuration page provides the trigger API endpoint.

To initiate the sync, use the following POST request format:


Initiate the sync

Initiate the sync

Store the API Token as a Secret in Y42

You can securely store API tokens (or any other secrets) within Y42 using the Secrets menu.

Store the API Token as a Secret in Y42.

Store the API Token as a Secret in Y42.

Create Python Action asset

  1. Create the Python Action asset: Use the POST request method outlined earlier and reference the API Token from the Secrets vault.

import json
import requests
from requests.exceptions import ConnectionError
from y42.v1.decorators import data_action
import logging
def trigger_sync_to_census(context, assets):
api_token = context.secrets.get('census_api_token')
sync_id = '567890'
url = f'https://bearer:{api_token}{sync_id}/trigger'
response = # census does not require headers or a payload
# log the response from your POST request
response_payload = json.loads(response.text)
# throw error when job was not triggered successfully
if response_payload['status'] == 'error':
raise ConnectionError(f"Triggering the job {response_payload['data']['sync_run_id']} failed with error: {response_payload['message']}")

  1. Specify an upstream dependency (Optional, but recommended): In the Dependencies tab, you can specify an upstream dependency for the Python asset. This dependency acts as a trigger, activating the Python Action to synchronize data with a third-party application upon the successful completion of the upstream asset.

It's often practical to select the source table, which was utilized to establish the Sync, as the dependency.

Specify an upstream dependency to act as the trigger for the Python asset.

Specify an upstream dependency to act as the trigger for the Python asset.

Build asset

Build the asset using dag selectors or via the Build history tab.


y42 build -s +exposure:trigger_sync_to_census

The + selector, when used in front of the asset name in the command, also triggers all upstream dependencies.

Build history tab.

Build history tab.

Verify Sync status in Census

After returning to the Census interface, the sync should be activated, having data to flowing to your configured destination. Congrats! 🎉

Sync successfully triggered.

Sync successfully triggered.